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martes, 8 de noviembre de 2011

Building a Low Impact Roundhouse

Building a Low Impact Roundhouse by Tony Wrench
Permanent Publications | ISBN : 1856230422 | 2008 | 121 pages | PDF | 33MB

In 1993, Tony Wrench evolved the concept of permaculture land, a low impact sustainable way of life which included self-build with local materials, appropriate technology and food growing. In 1997 he and his partner built and moved into a low impact roundhouse. This is his story, both a moving and witty account of realising a lifetime's dream, and a practical 'how to' manual for anyone who is able to 'lift a rafter'. Tony shares his skills and techniques from the process of visualising and designing a house to lifting the living roof, infilling the walls laying out rooms and adding renewable, autonomous technology.


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